Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Book Review: Instant Income by Janet Switzer

Instant Income by Janet Switzer - 3.5 STARS
Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, Small Business

Now, I had a very hard time deciding what to rate this book. It was a very interesting read, covered some great topics and gave some wonderful insights into creative ways to market products and services. I enjoyed the read, at the time I read this though I don't really have a use for the information... I think it may be worth another read. But, we'll see when that happens.

This book covers such topics as: increasing sales of a product from existing customers, making money with affiliates and joint ventures, making money online, writing ads (copywriting), starting and running occasional small businesses and going into business with your employer. I know that looks like a ridiculously ambitious list to cover in just one book, but she does a surprisingly good job. I'd say though, that each topic requires much more information than is included within this book. It is a great starting point for each of these subjects though.

Switzer's real wins within this book are the portions dealing with copywriting, internet marketing, selling to existing customers and how to launch a product (in particular a book or other intellectual property).

Janet Switzer has some very solid experience working with clients marketing and launching their products (most well known client that I'm aware of is Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup for the Soul empire). She really is an expert within the above mentioned field and it is a pleasure to hear her prospective on these topics.

All in all, this is well worth a read if you are looking for some base info on any of the topics I mentioned within this review.

Take a look at Instant Income here (Amazon):
Instant Income: Strategies That Bring in the Cash

Please let me know what you think of this... Also, I truly believe the information contained within this book is only as valuable as the degree you put it to work in your life!


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