Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Book Review: The Smart Money by Michael Konik

The Smart Money by Michael Konik - 3.5 STARS
Gambling, Economics

This book in particular I "read" in audiobook format. I listened to it when I was a District Manager working in Ontario. I had 9 locations, spread out over 600kms (375miles). At this time in my life I chose the audio format over the paper format on many occasions. If you too decide to use this method of delivery for your next piece of literature, I insist you only choose books you can get "unabridged". This term means that the book is read in its entirety, and does not have anything ommited or "abridged".

This book is written basically as an autobiography. It profiles Michael's time working for "The Brain-Trust", an organized sports-gambling operation out of Las Vegas.

Michael was a gambling journalist, who landed an interview with Brain Trust head Rick "Big Daddy" Matthews. Well, before this interview the largest bet Mr. Konik had ever placed was $200. After this meeting, he began working with much, much more.

This book is the most in depth, behind the scenes book I've come across on the subjects of sports betting, sports books and organized gambling.

This is a fun read from front to back. It won't change your life... unless you run out and hook up with a few MIT Math, Stats and computer science grads and start your own "Brain Trust". Hey, that's not a bad idea! Any MIT grads out there interested in a project/making a pile of cash?

Get it here:
The Smart Money: How the World's Best Sports Bettors Beat the Bookies Out of Millions


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